Saturday, March 21, 2020

Plese Find The Attached File And Follow The Instraction Case Study

Plese Find The Attached File And Follow The Instraction Case Study Plese Find The Attached File And Follow The Instraction – Case Study Example Science program Apart from a few sub problems identified in the case study, the main problem is deterioration performance in the school’s science program. This deterioration is as a result of two factors, inadequate learning materials for the science program and failure of science teachers in the school to major in science. However, in a problem solving process both teachers and students need to get involved (Wetherill, 14). The Chief school administrator and all principals around the district need also to be contacted in order to acquire solutions of the problems outlined in the school’s science program. Over the past five years, the school’s science program has experienced a shortage of learning materials resulting to deterioration of student performance. Those doing the science program are observed to perform poorly in their examinations and therefore, becoming difficult for them to end up into better universities or colleges. Another observation is that there has been a decrease of the number of students joining the advanced science classes due to poor teaching practices. Many of the science teachers are not skilled enough because they have not majored in science, meaning science is their second teaching field. (Wetherill 21).However, in order to come up with better solutions we need to look at a number of issues. Students and teachers should be involved in problem solving process where students should be motivated and shown the purpose of performing well in science program. Those teachers that get an opportunity in the school should have the required skills in science program. The Chief school administrator and the surrounding Principals in the district need to be consulted as well, in order to help influence the board of education in offering instructional budget. Instructional budget can therefore be used to raise learning materials required in the science program as well as other reading programs in the entire school. In addition, a part from the potential positive consequences of the instructional budget in providing learning materials in the school, the negative consequences are that many academic departments tend to fill jealousy about matters of the budget hence misusing it (Wetherill 32).In conclusion, a number of issues highlighted in the case study are clearly revealed in the paper. It reveals the problems encountered by the school’s science program and how a problem solving process sets in to tackle these problems. However, the outcome is that the school’s science program gets improved in terms of learning materials and calls for better performance for the entire students. Work CitedWetherill, Richard. How To Solve Problems and Prevent Trouble. Royersford: The Alpha Publishing House, 1991. Print.

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