Sunday, December 8, 2019

Comparite to the truman show free essay sample

The Truman Show have many similarities. The setting, characters, themes, conflicts, and plot of Fahrenheit 451 all have many distinct characteristics that allow for the novel to be compared with this particular movie. The ideas of characters, setting and conflicts are very similar and give you a different perspective on each work. The Truman Show and Fahrenheit 451 are very similar in that the main characters deal with many similar conflicts. One conflict that is similar is that lives are controlled. Truman’s life is the utmost controlled. His â€Å"creator†, Christof controls what happens to him at any given moment. Christof also controls what the people who watch think and see. He makes them believe that Truman wants this lifestyle and could have gotten out of this life if he wanted to, which is not true. In Fahrenheit 451, the government controls what everyone thinks, does, watches, learns, and more. People in their society aren’t supposed to think or read. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparite to the truman show or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Reading is so horrible, that the fireman burn the books if they catch you having or reading one. They burn all of your possessions in an instant. The perfect person in society is someone who stares at their parlor walls all day and overdoses on pills because they have no idea what they are doing because they aren’t thinking. Another similar conflict is both main characters want to leave society. Throughout the film, Truman starts to realize everything is on a cycle and people who he never knew, knew him. He tried to escape many times and he couldn’t till he faced his fear of water. Then he realized his whole life has been a lie and he has been living in a dome controlled by someone. Montag wanted to leave society because he felt like he didn’t belong and he didn’t want someone telling him if he could read or not because he truly enjoyed it. He wanted to leave society and he did and lived with people who had the same interests as him. The last example of a similar conflict is love. Truman isn’t loved by his wife, Meryl. She is just paid to spend her life with him. He has no idea that he is living with people who lie to him every day. Montag is also not loved by his wife. Their society has brainwashed her only to think about her parlor walls. Mildred didn’t even remember where they first met. While these two works are very similar in conflict, they are also similar in other ways. The Truman Show and Fahrenheit 451 are very similar in that the main characters live in a setting that is not a good place for them. The similarities between the settings is that there are very few people who the main characters can trust. In Fahrenheit 451, not only does the society lack knowledge due to their nonexistent books but, they live in a city where your own neighbors will turn against you in a second. In The Truman show everyone has been lying to Truman his wife, father, mother, best friend and every other person he meets. The second similarity is they both live in very controlled societies. In Fahrenheit 451 the population is controlled by the government immensely. They aren’t allowed to read or think. In the Truman show Truman has no idea that everyone has been watching his entire life on a screen. He has never ever had privacy and everyone is the world has been tuned in. The last example of a similarity in setting is the idea of censorship. In Fahrenheit 451, the characters are not allowed to read and everyone learns in the same way. In school they make reading seem very boring and that you would never want to do it. The government brainwashes them and controls everything that they watch or see. In the film, The Truman Show, Truman is brainwashed to believe that he lives in a normal environment and lives a normal life. Truman is 34 years old in the film and he has never seen a camera once and there is over 500,000 of them in his town. Truman is extremely sheltered and has now idea about it. These are just some of the ways the setting compares in both works. The Truman show and Fahrenheit 451 are very similar because of the characters. So many characters have a similar â€Å"twin† just like itself in the other work. The first similar characters are Clarisse and Lauren. They both are outcasts and try to help the main characters. They change the main characters way of thinking. They are the only real people in both societies. Clarisse and Lauren both aren’t allowed to be themselves in their society that they live in. They both end up disappearing. The second similar characters are Meryl and Mildred. They both truly do not love their husbands and are just going through life doing what their told not really caring about anyone but their selves. Both characters just end up hurting Montag or Truman because they never cared about them in the first place. The last similar characters are Montag and Truman. They are both the main characters who struggle and face the conflicts. They both live censored lives but want to escape their society to know how a real society works and have the chance to live a real life. The Truman Show and Fahrenheit 451 have many similarities. Both works have the themes of censorship, individuality vs. society, knowledge vs. ignorance and happiness. Each similarity gives you a different perspective. These two works are very comparable.

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