Monday, November 11, 2019

Ict Unit 2 Essay

Teacher: Contents Task 14 Research the characteristics required to work in the IT sector4 Describe the characteristics and display it in a table. 4 Task 26 Create a table with two columns, regarding job role and descriptions6 List the different type of roles that can be found in the ICT sector6 Describe each of the job roles6 Task 311 Create a booklet regarding ONE job role11 List the characteristics needed for the specific job role11 Task 414 Extend the booklet -Explain why certain characteristics are needed for the specific jobs. 14 Task 519 Write a written report to justify the job role which meets the above criteria. 19 ————————————————- Aim of Assignment The aim of this unit is to ensure that learners have knowledge of the available job roles involving professional IT and the characteristics employers demand in the IT industry. ————————————————- Learning Outcomes 1. Know the characteristics that are used by the employers in the IT industry 2. Know the common job roles undertaken by people working in the IT industry ————————————————- Key Words Industry specific: technical knowledge, working procedures, health and safety knowledge General: skills e. g. interpersonal skills, planning skills, organizational skills, time management, team working, numeric skills, creativity, problem solving Attitudes: preferred e. g. determined, independent, integrity, tolerant, dependable, leadership, confidence, self-motivation General IT: roles e. g. solutions architecture, solution development and implementation, network management, information security, technical writers, data administrators, IT service management and delivery; hardware specific e. g. anufacturing, repair, supply, installation, networks; software specific e. g. applications programmers, systems programmers, website developer, communications programmers Investigation and design: analysts; designers; project managers ————————————————- Scenario IT Venture is an ICT recruitment agency which specialises in IT jobs. In the recent times getting a job in the IT industry has become very difficult. To help the people who want to get into the industry the agency wants to run an article and alongside it they will advertise job roles which will include the ideal employee attributes. In this assignment you are a junior recruiter working at the agency. The manager has asked you to take on the task of writing the article about characteristics needed to work in the ICT industry. You will then produce a table with a selective number of IT job roles, the job roles will state the employee attributes needed to them. ————————————————- 1. Researching the requirements Grade P1 You will have to research the characteristics which are needed to get a job in the industry. The best way to go about the task is to state the characteristics and then to describe them. Task 1 For P1 you need to: Research the characteristics required to work in the IT sector Describe the characteristics and display it in a table. P1 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. Table with 2 columns using the headings = characteristics and description Characteristics required in the IT industry Characteristics/skills | Description | Interpersonal | * Definition- Relating to others, getting on with people (and getting the job done) * Needed because you must get on with people. * If you don’t get on with people then you cannot get the job done! People may find you a negative influence if you cannot work with others properly. | Planning | * Definition- Planning your work, task lists, doing things in the right order, ensuring you have all the resources required. * Needed because unorganised people tend to get less work done * Bosses dislike unorganised people because they can create havoc in the workplace * If you plan when to do things then you will have more free time to do what you want| Organisational | * Definition: Being organised is having a clean and tidy workspace where you can work to your maximum capacity. Being unorganised can be very annoying to other members of your team if you are in one * Unorganised network support managers won’t be able to keep track of the computers they manage. | Problem solving| * Definition: Problem solving is dealing with a situation as effectively as possible and getting an positive outcome * Being able to solve a problem quickly and efficiently will mean that you save time. * If you are an IT technician and you are unable to solve a problem than clients and customers will view you as unprofessional and that you don’t have the skills to be a technician. Creativity | * Definition: allowing yourself to make wild and crazy yet sensible ideas or suggestions. * It is important to be creative so that you can stand out in your workplace. * You can reach different audiences which will be good for business. * IT technicians need to be creative to be able to create programmes that are suited to the audience, for example a children’s programme. | Numeric| * Definition: using and applying mathematical skills in situations where it is needed. * When an IT Programmer is working they need to use numeric skills to code the software. Basic math skills will be needed for certain programs and you need to know how to do equations. | Team working| * Definition: working amongst a group of people while giving help and also receiving help. * You would be surprised how much you learn from your peers and colleagues. * A Programmer would need to work in a team to help complete the project to their best ability. | Time Management| * Definition: Spending time wisely and productively. * During a work project you need plan how you will use your time so you can finish the project to a good standard. If you canâ₠¬â„¢t manage your time properly then you will be delayed on tasks as you have basically wasted time. | ————————————————- 2. Describing the job role and stating the characteristics Grade P2, P3, P4, D1 For this part of the section you will be looking at various job roles and you will write down the job and a description of the job. You will then have to write down the characteristics requirements for each job role. For the characteristic that you have specified you will need to explain why a specific characteristic is needed for each job. Task 2 For P2 you need to: Create a table with two columns, regarding job role and descriptions List the different type of roles that can be found in the ICT sector Describe each of the job roles P2 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. A table with a list of jobs and job roles. P2 Roles and Responsibilities in IT Job Job Title| Roles and Responsibilities| Desired Personal characteristics| 1. Network Technician| Computer network technicians build and maintain computer networks used by business, education, government, and health-care institutions. Networks linking desktop computers allow users to send electronic mail (e-mail) and to share data, computer applications, and Internet connections. As more institutions establish computer networks, the demand for skilled computer network technicians will grow. | Time management is really important as you may have a lot of work to do on a deadline. Problem working skills are also important because you may need to analyse a problem before working it out. You also need to solve a problem as quickly as possibly but also as efficiently as possible. 2. Website Developer| The web designer has the responsibility of the design and format of the website. They also have to responsibility for coding the website. They also have the responsibility to update any software and the system also maintenance of the website. | Creativity is important as they have to design a website that is original and stands out from the rest of the competition. Another skill is problem solving. This is needed because t here might be faults and glitches in the system that makes using the website hard for users. So the designer needs to iron out any glitches. | 3. Systems programmer| A programmer needs to research and examine current systems. They need to work well other colleagues in the design and analyst compartment. They have to write the software need to find faults with any programs. | You need problem solving skills as you have to find faults with a program and then fix it another skill is analytical skills. This is needed because you have to be able to solve complexes and uncomplicated problems. This is also similar to problem solving skills. 4. Data administrator| A database administrator has the role monitoring the performance, integrity and security of a database. | They need to have team working skills because they control the data base of the company in a team; this is because in a team they will work more efficiently. Also they need to have problem solving skills because if users of the database are having problems they need to solve as quickly and efficiently as possible. | 5. Network manager| As a network manager, you have two  roles. You’ll be responsible for installing and maintaining the company’s computer networks, and also to train staff to provide first rate technical support. | As a network manager you will need to have problem solving skills, this is because you may face problems in the networks that you need to solve. Also you need to have team working skills as you will be working in a team and you will need to work with them efficiently. Furthermore you must have communication skills, because you will need to teach staff and communicate well with them. Some other interpersonal skills needed are the ability to communicate face to face and have clear written communication also listening skills is important. | 6. Technical writer| The roles and responsibilities of a technical writer is that they must ensure their audience understands the text. This is because their job is to make complex technical information sound relatively easy. | They need communication skills; this is because they need make information easy to understand instead of a technical jargon which many consumers do not understand. Also they need to have team working skills, as they will be most of the time working in a team. | Source from www. wikipedia. com Task 3 For P3 you need to: Create a booklet regarding ONE job role List the characteristics needed for the specific job role P3 -Evidence to be submitted: 1. A booklet with ONE jobs and job characteristics Task 4 For M1 you need to: Extend the booklet -Explain why certain characteristics are needed for the specific jobs. Evidence to be submitted: 1. A booklet with a list of jobs, job characteristics and explanation of specific characteristic requirements Why certain characteristics are important for system analysts (M1) This essay will be highlighting the important skills that are required for a system analyst. Characteristic that are required for a system analyst are: * Interpersonal skills * Analytical skills * Organisational skills * Technical skills * Maintenance * Team working * Communicational * Time Management * Flexibility * Adaptability * Tolerance * Integrity * Determination and self-motivation Interpersonal skills The system analyst needs to be able to interact and communicate with the organization, business and colleagues in order to solve problems. Interpersonal skills consist of many things; communicating with others, but also our confidence and our capability to listen and understand. Problem solving, decision making and personal stress management are also considered interpersonal skills. System analyst need to be able to clarify their ideas and judgment. System analyst with sound interpersonal skills can identify which are the best ways of collaborating with system users. Analytical skills Analytical skills are the ability to visualize and solve both uncomplicated and complex problems and concepts and make decisions that are appropriate to the situation. Analytical skills can be referred to as problem solving skills, and this is an essential skill needed, as a system analyst. System analyst need to be able to have the ability to see things as systems, identify, analyze, and troubleshoot or solve problems in an optimal way for a specific organization. Also, as a system analyst you have to be able to be an active learner, complex problem solver, active listener, critical and logical thinker. Organisational skills Organizational skills are to be able to plan ahead, timetabling, working deadlines and meeting them. Furthermore, being organized helps you to know what is expected of you each day and to be prepared to meet those expectations. As a system analyst, being organized is important because you will have to meet deadline, complete all tasks at a high standard. If you are not fully organized this means that you will fail tasks and produce low quality grade work which could evidently get you in trouble with the business and resulting in your dismissal from the workplace. Technical skills Technical skills are ability to understand how computers, data networks, databases and operating systems work. You need to have good knowledge and understanding of hardware and software as it is to know what exactly you are analyzing. Technical skills are important for system analyst as they need to be able to decipher problems, and having knowledge of computer and network systems and of IT on a macro level. This will help to be able to provide solutions to system users. Team working Team working is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people (strangers and colleagues alike) in order to achieve a goal. Team working skills are crucial in businesses. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate and participate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals. Theoretically they all pitch in ideas to make a transformed hybrid super idea. System analyst need to be interactive when working within a group because you share different expertise and you can get more knowledge from the people in the group. Also, to be able examine systems more efficiently and quickly. Maintenance Maintenance is when you uphold and preserve a system frequently instead of neglecting it. This helps stop problems as everything is up to date. Maintenance can be used for repairing and providing solutions. System analysts are responsible for the operating system and associated alternate systems. Provide system-level support of multi-user operating systems, hardware and software tools, including installation, configuration, maintenance, and support of these systems. System analyst need to keep their work in mint conditions; have lots of responsibility of systems and be prepared in order to solve problems. Communicational skills Communicational skills include effective interpersonal communication (written, verbal, visual, electronic, face-to-face conversations, presentations in front of groups), listening, and group skills. The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly. Communicational skills are life skills and needed not only in businesses or organisation they are also acquired on day to day living. As a system analyst, it is significant and valuable to have communicational skills as they need to talk to and interact with system users to find what they do, and their colleagues for information. As well as, system analyst look at current existing systems and problems in those systems, therefore they have to interview users to find their findings and solve the problem they are trying to resolve. They need good communicational skills, as they take part in business speaking, business writing, interviewing, listening, technical discussion and technical writing. Flexibility The general, basic definition of flexibility is not similar to this type of definition of flexibility. For system analyst, their timetable and plan needs to be flexible, this means can adjust to change for a day. For instance, if they have organised or planned for a day of communicating and interacting with system users, but instead they had a business meeting, then they have to adjust to it. Adaptability Adaptation is a natural process that all organisms have gone through. However in these circumstances there is altered. It still has the same principle which is that you change a feature that evidently means you work better. Adaptability is the ability to change to fit changed circumstances. This is similar to flexibility, as they need to adapt to changes in their timetable. Tolerance Tolerance is having the capacity to remain patient at difficult times. This is vital for every occupation, but as a system analyst, they will need to communicate and work in team with others most of the time, so having tolerance and be patient at times, like when interviewing or asking system users, working with others at difficult times, they need be tolerant, in order to prevent conflict or argument which can cause trouble in work. Integrity Integrity is the quality of being honest, truthful and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. As a system analyst, your integrity is your honesty and respect and sense of duty in work, and in life. Your employer needs to be able to trust you and you need to have a good bond between you and your employer and colleague’s, because then you can have more responsibility and because of this, your employer will give you a higher priority in your profession. Your integrity creates bonds in your workplace. Determination and self-motivation System analyst need to have ambitions or desire to achieve or succeed in a given situation. (E. g. Self-belief and determination in solving a technical problem) Determination and motivation will make the system analyst more focused and concentrated on their work and they will harder to try to achieve something, they will have full control of their work and have the confidence to complete all given tasks. This is a useful skill for anyone; it also helps parts of organizational skills. Source: www. wikipedia. com (Written report explaining characteristics for jobs) (Extension of booklet explaining the characteristics of certain jobs) Task 5 Dave Tipton the director of the agency needs a specific person to work for the agency. You have been given a set of characteristics from the director for which you will determine the best person for the job and will have to justify your choice. The following characteristics are: Good communication skills Problem solving Time management Confident Dependable Technically Strong Qualifications: MCP Microsoft XP MCP Microsoft 2003 Cisco CCNA For D1 you need to: Write a written report to justify the job role which meets the above criteria. Evidence to be submitted: Written report for your justification Task 2- A network technician (D1) Jasmine Zerbanski is suited for the job role of a Network Technician. A Network technician has many responsibilities for a business or organization that they work for. The normal job of a network technician involves monitoring network activity; configuring network equipment; analysing network security; and dealing with cables, especially in connection ports. There are array of skills required for being a network technician and some of these skills include: Planning, analysing, communication and problem solving skills. Jasmine Zerbanski is suited for this job because she has good communication skills. This is important as she can interact with users and colleagues clearly and effectively. Although she is a little shy, she easily overcomes this and works very well individually and with others. She is highly self-motivated and is capable of producing quality work. Jasmine has amazing analytical skills; this means that she can identify network errors quickly. Jasmine has experience with creating and maintaining networks. Jasmine has built a small network in her home, and this shows her ingenuity and creativity skills. Creativity skills are essential for a technician as they are able to come up with original ideas that make the life of the users easier. Jasmine has interpersonal skills. She has demonstrated that she is able to interact with other people. She has the ability to plan multiple tasks, and perform them to the highest quality. This is stated in her reference. She can diagnose IT problems, predict and forecast things and identify relevant casual factors and does goal setting. She is very well organised, she is able to put her work into a timetable and meet deadlines, and she has very good organisational and time management skills, she can control time over specific activities, as a network technician you need to manage your time, when you solve problems. Jasmine has team working skills, she is able to work with other people in groups to identify and solve IT problems; she is able to communicate with other people. She has numeric skills, as an IT technician, you need numeric skills in order to use different methods on how to solve problems. She can solve problems (problem solving skills, she has the intelligence to use different methods in solving problems and she is capable of quality work, so as a technician she will be able to solve and fix different hardware’s and software’s and many other IT inventions. She also possesses good written communication skills. This is useful in she ever needs to write notes and hand written letters. Overall, Jasmine Zerbanski is most suitable for the role as a Network technician. She has many useful skills which coincide with being a network technician.

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