Sunday, October 27, 2019

Leadership Comparison: Vijay Mallaya and Bill Gates

Leadership Comparison: Vijay Mallaya and Bill Gates When we think about leadership, a range of thoughts cross our mind: The leader as a hero or a great man who accomplishes a major goal against all odds for his/her followers or a leader as a rare and charismatic individual with extra-ordinary qualities and a grand vision. In fact, according to some scholars, the history of the world is the history of great men. The great-man theory of leadership continues to be of popular interest to showcase individual leadership in the political and corporate world. Leadership was based on the study of people who are already great leaders. These people awere often from the aristocracy, as few from low classes had the opportunity to lead. This contributed from the notation that leadership something to do with breeding. We all recognize that some of the greatest leaders known to humanity have been the founders of various religions. The Buddha, Confucius, Jesus Christ, and Prophet Mohammad are fine examples of religious leadership. On the other hand, Alexander the Great, Chenghiz Khan and Napoleon Bonaparte, for instance, exemplify Individual leadership includes living in quality and balance, the way your personal values, understand responsibility of their lives, living with a sense of purpose and moving towards a personal vision. Personal leadership is a fundamental of all the leadership contexts, the basic meaning is, if youre not able to lead yourself efficiently, youll be not able to lead others effectively. All leaders need to manage team variables, manage team system and personalities, in a way that motivate each team member, to put efforts according to their unique abilities. Great team leaders build teams consisting of individuals, where each ones strengths compensates for anothers weakness, making an aligned high performance team. Building upon the team leadership practice, Leadership builds alignment between team members, making sure the successful completion of strategy. The practice of leadership is basically about making alignment, improving strategies, staying alert and focused communication and making inter personal relationships. I understand that in best quality business unit, leadership is necessary to ensure the successful execution of corporate strategies. Where there are not very fine and specific characteristics that define a leader, there are a many qualities of leadership that are valuable in leaders.All these may include commitment, integrity, honesty, sincerity, humility, courage, passion, confidence, positivity, wisdom, determination, compassion, sensitivity, and personal charisma. These are not all the things that leader may possess, but they turn out to be some of the qualities of a leader and are often shown by their actions. It is seen leadership is mostly about behavior, and this behavior will never be different from others without acting on innovative ideas.Innovation is the only way to challenge difficulties. We always believed that a great leader is able to shift and motivate others from a static life to one of great variably changing views, beliefs and values. All these changes eventually lead to actions which are what leadership is thriving to change! Styles of leadership Efficient leaders bother not only about whether they looser win, but even about how they proffered to play the game. Finally, the personal choice that we always and must make about is whether to engage ones mind that of authority or that of leadership can tell our own career future as well as people around around us. Its been seen the famous industrialist emphasize the difference between the authoritative and nurturing leadership styles as the hard and soft components of management. They thrive on a leading process by an exercise of combining analysis and comprehension of the matters present and future. Leaders judge challenges but they will never turn challenges into fears. They maximize opportunity but will never turn opportunity into adventure. They have a total knowledge of thin line between risk and reward as they push ahead towards prosperity and progress. Styles (htt2) Good leaders will use all three styles depending on all situations with only a minor difference to their natural style. Poor leaders will generally stick with one style and not adjust for different situations limiting their influence greatly and it can be one out of these. Autocratic Participative Free reign Authoritarian style where are decisions are centralized as in dictatorship. No suggestion and advises are entertain or encouraged. It is a successful and practiced to provide strong motivations to managers in any organization. The outcomes are quick decision making as there is only one person to make decisions for ever one and it is retained to himself unless he feels the need to be shared. Democratic style is a style contrary to the above one. Here this style favors decision making by group as in leaders generates instructions after a consulting a group or group of professional. They can seek co-operation from a group or professional and motivate them by their involvement in goals. The outcomes of the democratic leader are not serotype as with the autocrat because they arise from consultation with the group members and participation by them. Free rein style a free reign leader will lead by leaving the decesions to its co-workers and subordinates i.e., they are providing a freedom deciding their own way of doing things and policies. Different scenario style can be applied in different situations. In an emergency where there is little time an autocratic style is best suitable however in a motivated and homogenous team democratic would be more suitable. The practice of organizational leadership includes developing plan and direction, pointing changes and managing cultural transformation. Organizational leadership is important to manage the fit between the external, variable marketplace and the internal companys processes to develop organizational resilience. The following is my list of the characteristics of a good leader: (htt1) Vision leaders must have a good and clear vision. They must believe in them self and can motivate people in believing and following them. There vision for things is what it could be not what they are. Wise leaders have to go for critical calls are difficult points. A leader has to be wise and knowledgeable in order to make a correct call for a successful organization. They are strategic, wise and perceptive. Passionate good leaders are very passionate aabout their work and people. There obsession makes them entirely focused on what they do it may be sports hobby or business. They operate in a high level of passion that they get totally consumed in it. Compassionate good leaders have compassion for the people, employs and supporters. While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they consistently care for the individuals that support them. They are not selfish and have hear for people they follow. Charismatic most good leaders are charming and they draw the attention of the people by the way they talk and the way they carry themselves. They are excellent in building relations and maintaining them. Persistent they have strong will power towards their goal. They anticipate the problem towards their goals. They see that the advantage of attaining their goals is larger than that of the problems that occurred. This makes them intensely persistent individuals. Great communicators they are comfortable in public speaking and inspiring. They are great orator and persuaders. Integrity good leaders mean there words what they say. They dont play political games. Daring they are bold. A great leader saidcourage is the virtue on which all virtue rest on. Winston Churchill. Disciplined Most good leaders are very controlled in their goals. Where most would be simply distracted, good leaders discipline their minds to keep focused and steady regardless of the situation. In my opinion two great business leaders are VIJAY MALLAYA (htt4) Call him The king of good times or the liquor Baron, this charismatic personalitys name is a complete introduction in itself. Story his life narrates countries, time zones, cars and careers. He says and believes in living the life-king size. His strong vision and guts to take on difficult and new challenges in life always gave him an image of great leader over other business leaders and tycoons. He is the person who changed the common view about a multi-national company. Referred to as Indias Richard Branson. A great part of the personality of the Kingfisher brand is based on Mallyas personality. He is considers to been an ethical leader. He is honored for having alone changed the image of his beer from a commodity to a new lifestyle brand. The Kingfisher commands a 29% share of the beer market in India and is sold in over 52 countries Vijay Mallya is considered to be a flamboyant CEO of United Breweries -that owns the Kingfisher brand is one of the most flamboyant CEOs in Asia. He has built a reputation for spending extravagantly his money in the public trusts. Even he is seen as a vary parotic person. He won the bid of the Kohinoor diamond in England, which is worth of millions of dollars and donated it to the Indian government. His mission statement reflects all of the leadership style mentioned above in this article. Mission Statement from the Tycoon We constitute a large, global group based in India. We associate with world leaders in order to adopt technologies and processes that will enable a leadership position in a large spectrum of activities. We are focused on assuming leadership in all our target markets. We seek to be the most preferred employer wherever we operate. We recognize that our organization is built around people who are our most valuable asset. We will always be the partner of choice for customers, suppliers and other creators of innovative concepts. We will continually increase the long-term value of our Group for the benefit of our shareholders. We will operate as a decentralized organization and allow each business to develop within our stated values. We will be a major contributor to our National Economy and take full advantage of our strong resource base. We commit ourselves to the ongoing mission of achieving Scientific Excellence BILL GATES (htt7) From Microsofts founding in 1975 until 2006, Gates had primary responsibility for the companys product strategy. He enthusiastically broadened the companys range of products, and he carried Microsoft in all the hard and critical times very finely. As an executive, Gates kept consisting meetings with Microsofts senior managers and department managers. It is often seen him interrupting the presentations with comments such as, Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard! and, Why dont you just give up your options and join the Peace Corps? The intentions of his behavior then had to defend the proposal in detail until, hopefully, he was fully satisfied. When subordinates appeared to be procrastinating, he used sarcasm as his tool, Ill do it over the weekend. In 2006, Gates announced that he would change his day-to-day role over the next two years and to dedicate more time to philanthropy. Why bill gates (htt5) Focus: He has shown over nearly 30 years the vitality of clarity of thought and execution. Thinking big: Together with focus, the capability to dream big and carry it with single-minded determination, keep him apart from other leaders and entrepreneurs. Passion: Simple way of doing things. If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well. From a simple thank you note to a complex proposal, it is important to do with excellence on whatever it takes. Learning as a life-long process: although he dropped out college while pursuing to his dreams, he has probably read and written much more than most of us ever will. Giving back to society: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided a new dimension to philanthropy by addressing issues that are global in nature malaria, cancer, AIDS. Part B Poor Communication by senior management: Poor communication brings ineffective work culture and the employees can be distracted from goals. Managements expectation would be different from what an employee would understand. This will draw a strained relationship between an employee and an employer. Office politics: Different people have different state of mind. Most of them who are skillful workers dont want to indulge in any kind of politics. Forced to do that result in inefficient work which brings frustration in employee and employer too. Lack of team work: every member of a team has a task assigned to achieve a single goal. If any member of team lack in his work, it can affect the whole team. This can create a friction among team member in an organization. The use of politically correct language: the use of informal language can be offensive to some of them. It may not be appropriate at places where people from different culture are working. If people in an organization will not have good will among others, it can end up frustrating some of the colleges. Nosy co-workers: back biting and sneaking into other peoples work is a frustration for most of the employees. Employees will be uncomfortable to work and it will bring uneasiness among them. BIBLOGRAPHY (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

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